Dissecting a soccer goal
Let's get down and nerdy. A soccer goal is made up of a few components and when all assembled they all play their part in forming this beautiful masterpiece better known as a soccer goal. Whether you are getting a 4x6 soccer goal up to 8x24 or even a futsal, the components mostly remain the same.
The crossbar is used to connect each side of the soccer goal together. This piece can be in many lengths as well as made of different sized material i.e. 3" round aluminum or a thicker 4" round aluminum.
The ground bar on the other hand is used to not only connect each side of the soccer goal at the bottom, but more importantly be used as a mandatory counterweight to provide safety (ALWAYS ANCHOR YOUR SOCCER GOAL DOWN). The piece length like the cross bar depends on the size of your soccer goal and can be 2" round galvanized steel, 3" round aluminum, or the thicker 4" round aluminum.
The upright or more commonly know as the post, is another component that completes the frame of the soccer goal. The material for this go can be a 3" round aluminum or 4" round aluminum. The upright connects to the base at the bottom, as well as the crossbar and backstay at the top.
The base of the soccer goal is the component that connects to the upright as well as the ground bar and backstay in the rear of the soccer goal. This material comes in all aluminum and depending on model comes in a 2" round, 3" round, or 4" round.
Last but not least we have our backstay. While the backstay may be the "main star" it certainly plays a key role in the stability of the soccer goal. The backstay on a PEVO soccer goal connect the top corner to the bottom rear corner of the goal. This gives extra protection to the uprights to ensure they are firm when being handled.
We do sell replacement pieces of each component so should you ever need any please reach out to info@pevosports.com and let us know what you need!